Glennallen LIO

Contact the LIO if you would like to receive the weekly newsletter published by the Glennallen LIO during the legislative session.

About Our Office:

Our mission is to facilitate communication between the Legislature and the public. The Glennallen LIO has been serving the residents of the Copper Valley since 1983. If you haven't been in our office we invite you to stop by and learn what services we can offer to help you get informed, be informed and to stay informed. We can assist you with filing your Permanent Fund Dividend application, either online or on paper. We can also assist you with other issues that you might have by directing you to the proper agency.


Contact Information:

PO Box 68
Glennallen, AK 99588

855-822-5588/toll free

[email protected]

Seth Wilson - Information Officer

Office Hours:

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.